Anywho, this was a pretty good Friday for the most part.
I changed things up for breakfast a little bit and made myself a pb & j sandwich. I thought I was going to be eating a later lunch because my parents said they were going to meet me at 1 in Beaumont for lunch, and I wanted to eat something that would keep me full for longer than a bowl of cereal would.
Alas, they cancelled on me, so I was lunchless unless I ventured out. I asked Nick if he had any lunch plans, and we decided to try out the Eat Renegade Banh Mon Food Trailer. These folks definitely know what they're doing. My boss told me about Eat Renegade lady, Chef Monica Cobb, about 4 or 5 months ago, and I've been intrigued to try her food ever since. They use ONLY local ingredients from the bread to the meat on the sandwiches, and everything in between. They're very supportive of the concept of supporting the local economy, and I think they're doing a great thing for the community! I've been a little intimidated to try the sandwiches because the sandwich descriptions show that there's cilantro in them, and I H A T E cilantro (and so does Nick), but I figured if they're being made on the spot, I'm sure they can exclude it if you ask. Sure enough, they did!
I got the shrimp sandwich... |
Nick got "The Elvis" |
The sandwiches are pretty big, and they're full of flavor! I couldn't finish mine, but Nick DEVOURED his. I ate a little more of mine later at my office, but I still wasn't able to finish the entire thing. I HIGHLY recommend you try this if you're in Beaumont! You can also find out where the trailer will be on their Facebook page.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I got home, and I was still very full from lunch. I dressed up to go work out, but I realized it was Friday, so I decided to stay in and do some creative exercising instead.
I didn't really eat a real supper since I was full from the sandwich, so I just noshed on things here and there in the house. A little sugar free ice cream, some blue corn tortilla chips...
I worked on a triptych I've been wanting to put up on the wall that's behind my couch. The blank canvases have been sitting in my living room for almost 3 months now, and I wanted to get them out of the way. I decided to paint some abstract rock formations... Simple, but colorful...
Feels like it's still missing something, but maybe I'm just being overcritical of myself. I might work on it again tomorrow.
Day 39 awaits! I shall plop in another good workout!
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