Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 32: Another Productive Saturday

I rarely find myself just sitting on my butt and doing nothing anymore. I always feel like I need to be doing SOMETHING, and I'm glad. Keeping myself busy prevents me from worrying too much about issues that I know about, but have no control over. Keeping busy and active also helps me realize which issues are my problem and how to prioritize them accordingly. It's crazy how not having time to sit and think makes you think more! Yay, thinking.

I woke up unusually early this morning for a Saturday (about 7:45ish). I got to skype with my cousin and my Goddaughter for almost 2 hours, too!

While I skyped with them, I enjoyed a rather big breakfast because I offered to do some grocery shopping for my parents today, and I didn't want to be hungry during my trips...

Are those almost perfectly
round scrambled eggs or what?
I got tired of the taste, so I couldn't finish...
And a bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal
I goofed off with my Goddaughter by giving her "instructions' on how to make instant oatmeal via skype. Apparently she thought it was entertaining. haha! Good to know that 8-month-olds find me fun.

After breakfast, I cleaned up my apartment a bit, and I headed out to the stores. I had to stop at 3 different places, so it was quite a long day out. I'm happy that I was able to pick up a lot of fruit and veggies! Many yummy foods to come for the next week or two. 

When I got back, I did laundry and then I headed to the hike & bike. I brought my back brace this time to support me when I lifted the bike in and out of the car, and it was a perfect help! My bike even has a little tension holder on the back where I can keep it during the ride. I tried to ride while wearing it for a while, but it hindered my breathing. 

While I was on my first lap, I ran into my dear friend Amy! Yay! I passed by her 4 times and we got to chat a little bit, so that made me happy as always. I ended up doing a total of 11 miles today. I didn't bike as hard or as fast as I've been the past couple of times I've been out because I don't want to re-injure my back or overwork my knees. What a drag it is getting old. ;)

When I got back, I was STARVING, so I made myself a plate of a piece of rotisserie chicken I picked up from Sam's, some rice, and a cucumber that my boss lady gave me. 

I hate how much I love chicken skin,
but I didn't eat it! :)
For dessert, I had a couple spoonfuls of this No Sugar Added vanilla Blue Bell ice cream that my friend Katy told me about. I've been missing ice cream like crazy, so before I went nuts and bought 3 gallons of regular Blue Bell, I went ahead and bought myself a pint of the sugar free vanilla. It's not as decadent as the regular, but it still made me happy!

That pretty much summed up my Saturday. It feels like I did way more than what I typed here... Hmm, oh well.

Goodnight, all! I want to try to wake up early tomorrow and visit my old friend the treadmill before I have to go to church. It's been over a week since I've been on it! I'll be sporting my knee brace, too. 

Day 33 awaits!

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